Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano
Assistant Professor of Ottoman History

Roger M.A. Allen
Emeritus Professor of Arabic Languagues and Literatures
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Abdulhamit Arvas
Assistant Professor

Cheikh Anta Babou
Associate Professor

Osman Balkan
Associate Director of the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business Senior Fellow, Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies & Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Political Science

Joseph Benatov
Lecturer in Foreign Languages Coordinator of the Modern Hebrew Language Program
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Susannah Bien-Gund
Graduate School of Education

Daisy Braverman
Lecturer in Judeo-Spanish
Penn Language Center

Lee Cassanelli
Associate Professor

Alex Chase-Levenson
Assistant Professor

Paul M. Cobb
Director, Middle East Center Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Ali Dinar
Senior Lecturer
Africana Studies

Reyhan Durmaz
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Religious Studies

Radwa El Barouni
Arabic Language Coordinator
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Jamal J. Elias
Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the HumanitiesProfessor of Religious Studies and South Asia Studies
Religious Studies

Mahyar Entezari
Lecturer in Foreign Languages Coordinator, Persian Language Program
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
entezari@sas.upenn.edu(215) 573-6147
445 Williams HallRead Bio

Roxanne Euben
Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Social Sciences
Political Science

Huda J. Fakhreddine
Associate Professor of Arabic Literature
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Hocine Fetni
Adjunct Assistant Professor, SociologyAssistant Dean for Academic Advising, College of Arts and Sciences

Talya Fishman
Associate Professor
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher
Senior Lecturer
Graduate School of Education

John Ghazvinian
Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern Studies
Modern Middle Eastern Studies

Nili Gold
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Simcha Gross
Assistant Professor of Ancient Rabbinics
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Michel Guillot
Associate Professor

Bulent Gultekin
Associate Professor of Finance
Wharton School

Azita Hamedani Kamkar
Lecturer in Persian and Kurdish
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Emily Hammer
Assistant Professor
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Deborah Harrold
Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Liberal and Professional Studies
Political Science

Feride Hatiboglu
Lecturer of Turkish Language Turkish Language Program Coordinator
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Renata Holod
College of Women Class of 1963 Professor in the Humanities
History of Art

Peter Holquist
Ronald S. Lauder Endowed Term Associate Professor

Farah Jan
Lecturer in International Relations
International Relations

Michael C. Johanek
Senior Fellow Director, Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Co-Director, Inter-American Educational Leadership Network Director, Penn Educational Leadership Simulations (PELS) Program
Graduate School of Education
Shelby Justl
Lecturer, Critical Writing Program
Critical Writing Program

Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet
Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History

David Kazanjian
Professor of English and Comparative Literature

Fariha Khan
Associate Director, Asian American Studies Program
Asian American Studies

B. Harun Küçük
Associate Professor
History of Sociology and Science

Richard Leventhal
Professor of Anthropology Executive Director, Penn Cultural Heritage Center (Penn Museum), Curator, Penn Museum, American Section

Joseph Lowry
Associate Professor
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Ian Lustick
Professor Bess W. Heyman Chair
Political Science

E. Ann Matter
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Religious Studies
Religious Studies

Ryan McAuley
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
Perelman School of Medicine

Lynn Meskell
Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor in Anthropology Professor of Historic Preservation (Weitzman School of Design)
Ibrahim Miari
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Amel Mili
Lecturer in Arabic, Lauder Institute
Wharton School

Anne Norton
Political Science

Brendan O’Leary
Lauder Professor of Political Science
Political Science

Howard Pack
Professor Emeritus of Business Economics and Public Policy
Wharton School

Holly Pittman
Bok Family Professor in the Humanities
History of Art

Ali Rahman
Lecturer in Critical Writing
Critical Writing Program

Lauren Ristvet
Associate Professor

Brian Rose
James B. Pritchard Professor of Archaeology Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, Penn Museum
Classical Studies

David B. Ruderman
Joseph Meyerhoff Professor of Modern Jewish History

Fatemeh Shams
Associate Professor of Persian Literature
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Heather J. Sharkey
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Rudra Sil
Professor of Political Science SAS Director, Huntsman Program in International Studies & Business
Political Science

David Spiegel
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Perelman School of Medicine

Brian Spooner
Professor, Curator of Near Eastern Ethnology at the Penn Museum

Eve M. Troutt Powell
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of History

Elly R. Truitt
Associate Professor
History of Sociology and Science

Fayyaz Vellani
Lecturer in Critical Writing
Critical Writing Program

Robert Vitalis
Political Science

Daniel A. Wagner
Professor, UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy Director, International Literacy Institute and National Center on Adult Literacy, Director, International Educational Development Program
Graduate School of Education

Steven Weitzman
Abraham M Ellis Professor of Hebrew and Semitic Languages Ella Darivoff Director, Herbert D Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Religious Studies

Julia Wilker
Associate Professor of Classical Studies Chair, Graduate Group in Ancient History
Classical Studies

Aram Yardumian
Visiting Scholar, Anthropology

Seçil Yilmaz
Assistant Professor