Joseph Lowry is a specialist in Islamic law, Arabic literature, and classical Islamic thought. He is the author, among other works, of Arabic Humanities, Islamic Thought: Essays in Honor of Everett K. Rowson Co-ed Shawkat M. Toorawa Leiden: Brill (2017); The Epistle on Legal Theory, al-Shafir (D.2014 H/820 A.D.). Editor and Translator. Library of Arabic Literature, New York: New York University Prress, (2013); Essays in Arabic Literary Biography, 1350-1830. Co-edited with Derwin J. Stewart. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (2009);
Early Islamic Legal Theory: the Risala of Muhammad Ibn Idris al-Shafi'i (E. J. Brill, 2007) and the editor (with D. Stewart and S. Toorawa) of Law and Education in Medieval Islam: Studies in Memory of George Makdisi (E. J. W. Gibb Memorial Trust, 2005) and (with D. Stewart) of Essays in Arabic Literary Biography II: 1350-1850 (Harrasowitz, 2009).