Michel Guillot’s research focuses on mortality and formal demography. During the past three years, he has completed work on tempo effects in mortality, demographic measurement, and mortality dynamics in developing countries, in particular in former Soviet Central Asia. In the area of demographic measurement, Guillot has proposed a new approach for estimating health expectancies in the absence of longitudinal data. In his work in former Soviet Central Asia, Guillot finds that adult mortality in Kyrgyzstan is lower than in Russia (a much richer country), in part because of cultural differences related to alcohol consumption. More generally, he finds important differences in the nature of the post-Soviet health crisis in Central Asia and Russia. These findings have health policy implications in countries of the former USSR.
Recent Publications:
"Health and mortality patterns among migrants in France." M. Khalat and M. Guillot. Pp.193-213 in Migration, Health and Survival: International Perspectives. Frank Trovato (ed.). Edward and Elgar Publishers (2017). "Adult mortaity patterns in the former Sovoet Union's Southern Tier". Armenia and Georgia in comparative perspective." G. Duthé, M. Guillot. F. Meslé, J. Vallin. I. Badurashvili, M.
Ph.D., Demography and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, 2000
M.A., Demography, Institut de Démographie de l’Université de Paris I-Sorbonne, 1996
B.A., History, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 1992