
Algeria Protests: Why Now?

Professor Hugh Roberts, Edward Keller Professor of North African and Middle Eastern History, Tufts University
Sep 17, 2019 at | Houston Hall, Golkin Room, HH 223, 3417 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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Middle East Center, Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Deborah Harrold, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate Vish Sakthivel, University of Oxford, PhD candidate Austin Cooper, University of Pennsylvania

Come join us for a talk by Professor Hugh Roberts, Edward Keller Professor of North African and Middle Eastern History, Tufts University, on the recent Algeria protests. Following his talk Professor Roberts will be in conversation with Deborah Harrold, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate Vish Sakthivel, Oxford University and PhD candidate Austin Cooper, University of Pennsylvania.