Rawad Wehbe

Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations PhD Student

This graduate student is available to deliver lectures to your K-12 classroom at no charge. All requests MUST be booked through the Middle East Center Speaker's Bureau

Rawad researches Arabic poetry, poetics, and literary theory. He studies Arabic literature across traditional periodization to investigate how language in poetry hacks human emotions, feelings, and affects to create meaning.

Rawad's academic interests include literary translation, teaching Arabic as a foreign language, Arabic culture, religious minorities in the Middle East, and the history of the Middle East with a special focus on the Lebanese civil war. 

Courses Taught

University of Pennsylvania

2020: Modern Middle East Literature in Translation, Coordinating Instructor

2019: Modern Arabic Literature: Arab Women & War, TA

2019: Modern Middle East Literature in Translation, TA       

2018: Modern Hebrew Literature & Culture in Translation, TA


American University of Beirut, CAMES Summer Arabic Program

2018: Intermediate Arabic, Instructor

2017: Beginning Arabic, Instructor


University of Texas at Austin

2017: Intensive Arabic II (beginning), Graduate Student Instructor

2016: Intensive Arabic I (beginning), TA, shared teaching and grading duties

2016: Intensive Arabic VI (advanced), TA, shared teaching and grading duties for two sections

2015: Intensive Arabic I (beginning), TA, shared teaching and grading duties

2014: Intensive Arabic II (beginning), TA, shared teaching and grading duties

2013: Intensive Arabic I (beginning), TA, shared teaching and grading duties 


Sijal Institute for Arabic Language and Culture in Amman

2016: Beginning Arabic, Instructor and Assistant Academic Director

Selected Publications


2020: Selections from "One Last Selfie with a Dying World" by Samer Abu Hawwash, in Home: New Arabic Poems, San Francisco: Two Lines Press.

2019: “In the South” and “Simple Speech” by Khalīl Ḥāwī, DoubleSpeak, UPenn.

2019: “Repentance” by Abdulaziz al-Omairi, Words Without Borders.

2012: “The Tale of the Eagle” by ʿIzz al-Dīn al-Madanī, Inventory, Princeton.

CV (file)
CV (url)