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Marc Marín Webb is a Ph.D. Candidate in history and archaeology at the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations department (NELC-UPenn). His research interests include post-conflict heritage preservation in the MENA region, the architecture and urbanism of Early Mesopotamia, and the modern reception of ancient Near Eastern art. Before joining Penn Marc was trained as an architect in Barcelona and Berlin, and assisted in the curation, research, and design of museum exhibitions in Europe and the US. He has participated in archaeological and heritage preservation projects in Syria, Iraq, and the Kurdistan Autonomous Region (Iraq).
MA, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2018).
Thesis: The Influence of Mesopotamian Art in Joan Miró (honors).
MA, Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/Technische Universität Berlin (2013).
Thesis: Management, Conservation and Dissemination Strategies for the Archaeological Site of Tell al-Muqayyar (ancient Ur, Iraq).
BA, Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Academic and Professional Honors:
2021 Louis J. Kolb Junior Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
2016 Pilar Juncosa Grant for Research into Joan Miró and his artistic and cultural milieu. Co-PI.
2015 Passages Metropolitains International City Planning Competition (First Prize and Honorable Mention). Co-PI.
2011 Gerda Henkel Foundation Grant. Co-PI.
2010 12th International Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition, Venice. TU-Berlin selected project.
2022 Lagash Archaeological Project (Dhi Qar, Iraq). PI: Holly Pittman.
2019-Present Conservation of the Sanctuary of Sheikh Adi (Lalish, Iraqi Kurdistan). Architectural Consultant to the Iraq Heritage Stabilization Program.
2014 Rowanduz Archaeological Program (Soran, Iraqi Kurdistan). PI: Michael D. Danti and Richard L. Zettler.
2012-2014 Archaeological Excavation at Qasr Shemamok (Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan). PI: Olivier Rouault, Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault.
2010 Archaeological Excavation at Tell Massaïkh (Ashara, Syria). PI: Olivier Rouault, Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault.
Museum Experience
2018 ‘Turbulencias. Colección "La Caixa” de Arte Contemporáneo’. Caixaforum Barcelona. Overseer of design and execution for “La Caixa” Foundation.
2018 ‘Robert Capa en Color’. Caixaforum Sevilla and Zaragoza. Overseer of design and execution for “La Caixa” Foundation.
2017 ‘Sumer and the Modern Paradigm’, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Documentation.
2016 'Brick by Brick: Ceramics applied to Architecture', Museu del Disseny, Barcelona. Documentation and design.
2015 'From Ancient to Modern: Archaeology and Aesthetics', Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York. Assistant curator.
2013 'Mediterranean. From myth to reason', Caixaforum Madrid and Barcelona. Documentation and virtual reconstruction of the Agora of Athens.
2012 'Before the Deluge. Mesopotamia 3500-2100 B.C.', Caixaforum Madrid-Barcelona. Assistant in the design and documentation.
University of Pennsylvania
2019 Introduction to the Ancient Near East. TA (Instructor: Grant Frame).
2020 Land of the Pharaohs. TA (Instructor: Joseph Wegner).
2020 Introduction to the Ancient Near East. TA (Instructor: Emily Hammer).
2021 Land of the Pharaohs. TA (Instructor: Joseph Wegner).
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
2018 Theory of Architecture II. Associate Professor (Instructor: Pedro Azara).
2018 History of Architecture. Associate Professor (Instructor: Ramon Graus).
2017 Theory of Architecture II. Associate Professor (Instructor: Pedro Azara).
Peer Reviewed Articles
2019 Pedro Azara, Joan Borrell, Marc Marín Webb and Eric Rusiñol, Réflexions sur l’Architecture à Qasr Shemamok, 2014, in Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies, n.2, Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
2020 Pedro Azara and Marc Marín Webb, Miró in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia in Miró, in Agnès Garcia-Ventura and Lorenzo Verderame (eds.) (Re)constructing the past: Popular Culture and Ancient Near East, Lockwood Press, Atlanta.
2019 Pedro Azara and Marc Marín Webb, An archaeological exhibition without archaeology? Joan Miró looks at Mesopotamian masterpieces, in Geoff Emberling and Lucas Petit (eds.) Museums and the ancient Middle East: curatorial practice and audiences, Routledge, London.
2017 Marc Marín Webb, Miró: the Sumerian 'impact', in Sumer and the Modern Paradigm, Fundació Miró, Barcelona.
2013 Discover Madrid, Editorial Hipòtesi, Barcelona.
American Schools of Overseas Research (ASOR)