
Conference: Material Worlds - Consumption, Circulation and Meaning in Colonial Societies

Sep 19, 2002 at | Penn Humanities Forum, 3619 Locust Walk

Sponsored by
Barra Foundation, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, Departments of History, History of Art (The Farquhar Fund), Anthropology, South Asia Regional Studies, Latin American Cultures Program, Penn Humanities Forum, African Studies Center, Center for Folklore and Ethnography

Visit http://www.mceas.org/september2002/ to view schedule of papers, location, and keynote speakers. Participants are requetsed to be familiar with the content of the student papers by reading them online. For access to the digitized papers, register with Amy Baxter-Bellamy (abaxter@sas.upenn.edu). For more information contact: Maria Judith Feliciano (mariafel@sas.upenn.edu) and/or Yanna Yannakakis (yannayan@sas.upenn.edu).