Sharon is currently undertaking dissertation research on the European refugee solidarity movement in Athens, Greece. Her ongoing project uses participant observation, interviews, and archival research to investigate the question: What does it mean to produce new social and political collectivities in the world made in the wake of the 2015 “summer of migration”? Previous anthropological research has focused on U.S. linguistic nationalism as recently resettled Iraqi refugees experience and participate in it. In addition to her academic career, Sharon is a journalist whose writing has been published in National Geographic, the Washington Post, and other outlets.
This graduate student is available to deliver lectures to your K-12 classroom at no charge. All requests MUST be booked through the Middle East Center Speaker's Bureau.
M.A., Social Sciences | University of Chicago | 2016
B.A. with high distinction, Linguistics and Arabic | University of Michigan | 2012
Social movements; migration and refugeehood; political anthropology; citizenship and the state; postcolonialism; Middle East & Europe; Arabic language & linguistics
"Criminalizing the Mediterranean leads to death and division," Europe Now, February 5, 2019.
"A voice the JCC doesn't think we should hear," Washington Post, February 7, 2014.
"Syria's war hits home for immigrants," National Geographic, September 13, 2013.