Dr. Vanessa Ogle Awarded Kluge Fellowship
Assistant Professor of History Vanessa Ogle has been awarded a Kluge Fellowship for 2013-2014. Funded by the Kluge Center at the Library of Congress, up to ten fellowships are awarded yearly to scholars conducting research in the humanities and social sciences, especially those whose studies are interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, or multilingual.
Ogle teaches and writes about international history, with a focus on interactions between Europe and the Middle East. Her first book, Contesting Time: The Global Struggle for Uniformity and its Unintended Consequences, follows European and American attempts to make clock times, calendars, and social time more uniform.
Ogle is currently working on Owning the Earth: The Struggle Over Natural Resources, a history of debates over who has the right to own and access resources like minerals, oil, and water. Other future projects include the history of Tangier from the 1880s to the 1960s, and a biography of Elisabeth Achelis, who toured the world to promote a standardized, neutral world calendar in the interwar years and after WWII.