2013 NEH Summer Institute in Turkey
This summer, Primary Source will be running a new NEH Summer Institute for Teachers: Ottoman Cultures: Society, Politics and Trade in the Turkish Empire, 1299-1922. The application deadline is fast approaching (March 4th), and we’re eager to reach a wide and diverse pool of educators who would appreciate and benefit from the institute. We welcome applications from K-12 librarians and teachers of world religions, geography, English language arts, music, and art, as well as social studies teachers.
We would very much appreciate your help in identifying and reaching out to promising applicants to take advantage of this unique opportunity to study in Turkey. We are hoping to receive more applications from beyond the Boston area. I’ve included text (below) and a flyer (attached) that can be used to share information about the institute. Educators who wish to apply should spend some time exploring the institute website for application information and instructions, course details and expectations, a detailed schedule of the institute, and more: http://resources.primarysource.org/ottomancultures.
If interested educators have any questions about the application process or the program, we invite them to contact Sameera Anwar, Primary Source Program Coordinator at sameera@primarysource.org or (617) 923-9933 ext. 22.